Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mullaperiyar Dam and its problem

This is about mullaperiyar dam a current  issue in Kerala and India.  This information I got in my email. somebody forwarded this. I just publish this for an information about mullaperiyar dam. I am not fully aware of this problem and its seriousness. Just like you I also looking for it.
Mullaperiyar Dam


Built for a LIFE PERIOD of ONLY 50 YEARS.

It is still in use after  even 115 years.- 65 YEARS after expiry date.
The WATER of this DAM is spread over 10,000 acres & four times bigger than IDUKKI DAM.

Detailed & scientific study has revealed that THE DAM is VERY WEAK AND LEAKING MANY of THE PLACES.

In case a Quake occurs of a higher gravity,this will be a WORLD HISTORY &45 LAKHS PEOPLE in middle KERALA will be FLOWN DOWN to Arebian sea Within MINITS,

As an after effect,FIVE MORE DAMS will also be perished,  Five DISTRICTS will be taken out of map of KERALA.

5 Districts of Tamil Nadu who is arguing that there is nothing wrong with the present DAM, will become deserts if something happening to the present DAM.

There is no reason for Tamil Nadu to object the construction of a new DAM.

NO ONE in the NATIONAL LEVEL is aware of this Disaster.
Even today, the FDI was surfaced as the most important issue in Parliament.

NO Importance for the LIFE of 45 LAKHS PEOPLE .....?

It is almost a WATER BOMB.

NOW ALL THE POLITICAL & RELIGIOUS leaders, people from the filim industry and all other eminent personalities of KERALA SHOULD awake and TRY for an immediate solution.

Tamil Nadu Govt. is taking this matter very lightly. People of Kerala seems to be lagging ability in tackling this GREAT  PROBLEM....!

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